Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, everyone! We are having a wonderful

Christmas day, and we hope you are too. We will soon

have pictures of our celebration to share but for now here

are a few more seasonal shots…


Last weekend we went to St. Augustine to see

a beautiful display of holiday lights.


Star built an Olaf for Lauren!


Lauren has been keeping track of how many days

until Christmas with this cute Santa she made at school.





Christmas LEGOS

Christmas LEGOS Collage

I love our family tradition of Christmas LEGOS…(Thanks for starting this, Grandma Devanie)…

I love that it is an activity that  Shaw loved for years and Lauren will love for years.

I love to see them working together: him teaching, her learning, both of them enjoying.

Counting Down the Days

Hi everyone! We hope you are enjoying the holiday season as

much as we are. Here are some pictures from the past week…


Cupcakes for sharing…




Singing along at the Melrose Elementary Winter Music Show…




Enjoying some of our seasonal décor…


…and taking a break from the activities.

One more non-Christmas picture, just because I adore it…


What Star Has Been Up To

We welcomed Star back home on December first. She

arrived with the mail, with our address pinned to her

dress. She has been a delightful visitor ever since she arrived!


This is what she looks like when she’s thinking about

her next adventure.


The night before Lauren’s birthday party with her

classmates, Star got into the party favors! Then she fell

into an exhausted heap onto Olaf the piñata.


On this day, she was just hanging out, watching what

was happening in the neighborhood.


Oh, Star! Another cupcake?


Sitting under the tree, coloring in one of Lauren’s

holiday activity books.



The Month of Christmas Update

It has been a busy month around here, so even though we have

been preparing for Christmas and I have been photographing

our preparations, I just now have time to share what we’ve been up

to with you all. I have been disappointed the past few Decembers

because I am not able to follow through on as many holiday

traditions with Lauren as I was with Shaw, but the combination of

an every other week schedule and a time consuming winter sport

(soccer three nights per week…although we DO love every minute of it)

lessen the time we have to watch ALL the Christmas movies and read

ALL the Christmas books. The bottom line is that we just have to make

the MOST of every minute we have.


Hot chocolate, complete with whipped cream,

marshmallows and sprinkles, is a favorite evening

treat this time of year.




I have learned various ways  to capture the beauty of

our tree lights.



I have also learned how to ‘stage’ ornaments and other



We are carrying on the LEGO advent tradition

(Shaw received one many Christmases in a row)

with Lauren. There is actually a version for girls

now…LEGO Friends.


Bailey was quite content to lay in front of

the tree…even long enough for me to snap

a few pictures.



Then later in the night, Lauren plopped down in

almost the same spot to listen to ‘Twas the Night

Before Christmas, recorded for her by Auntie Kim,

Thomas and Macey two Christmas seasons ago.


Lauren and Elsa in matching holiday jammies.

We hope you are enjoying however you are choosing to

celebrate this beautiful time of year. xoxo